World Of Love…


Its inspiration for change. Its inspiration for sustained, consistent change! Change in the generation we live is like to swimming against the tide…

Never the less, change must be sought for. Change must be influenced. Change makers do not sit still and watch the norm, the statusquo rule the world.

I build my world… I create a world of peace, love, wholeness and joy!

Its a world to live in. If the world we live in do not fit, we must be inspired to recreate it… Swim against the tide and spread fresh breathe around the world… spread clean living around the world… Spread wholeness!

Create it! Live it! Spread it!

World of Love…!



Live and let live!
Life is BIG! There is a big enough playing field for all… Its really unfortunate that the world of men would always fight and struggle for so called available limited resources. Which leads to a life of survival and struggle. This steals away our joy and peace.

The universe we live in is blessed with vast and unlimited resources at our disposal for use. Its a limitation in the mind to believe that others can usurp what is yours. Instead, create what others can take. Give! With the mind of a creator and giver, abundance mentality becomes a second nature.

Selfishness, fear and wickedness stem from roots of Lack and rejection.

If we can believe that the universe is blessed with abundant resources, we wouldnt hold on too tightly to the things we have recieved. This is soo true, for the things we strive to keep and hoard and kill for… others are giving away! Isn’t this funny?

Its a higher realm to function in when we create to give. A selfless life is the beginning of untold power! Selfless living is gained from sacrifice. In a world inundated with pain, anguish and sorrow we can beam the light.

We can learn today to live the bandwagon of competitors, strugglers, fighters and ‘strivers’ and ascend higher to realize that what we see is who we are. Life is larger than life itself. The ability to see beyond us keeps us a step ahead from the crowd. Uncrowd You

Being You…


Its easy to try to conform to the statusquo.  Its easy to be like everyone. Its easy to join the bandwagon.

However, it takes strength, tenacity and purpose to be different. To say No even if every other person says yes to the wrong thing.

There is strength in purposeful living. there is strength in living with a blue print in life.

No matter where you may be found, there is a reason for being.

Finding out that purpose for existence promotes the essence in identity.

knowing who you are will help you be you.

Be You…