How to Relate with your Boss


In any chosen field or career, effective communication skills is vital in establishing smooth relationship with your boss. this in the long run enables smooth flow in the chosen career. maintaining a good relationship comes very handy if u must advance or promoted on a regular basis without undue frustrations and hinderances.

how we relate with the boss – “oga @ the top!” will equally influence the rate at which we get approvals and permissions. it will determine the joy and fulfilment to be derived in your job. the boss has the final say most times and any reasonable employee wouldnt be found or seen to be ingratiating to the boss.

thus said, relating with the boss aint just basic to getting ahead in your chosen career, but equally indespansable in salary advancements, job recommendations, promotions etc. the follwing steps below provides suggestions on how you can relate effectively with your boss:

1. greetings: your greetings though formal should always carry a smile along with you.

2. punctuality: do not be the one

3. gifts: the boss could do well with birthday gifts, anniversary gifts,

4. communication:

To be continued.

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